Can diet help to manage symptoms of PCOS? In PCOS awareness month, Michaela Carrick, BSc Human Nutrition, tells us how.
Posted on Sep 21, 06:17 AM in Women's Health and Health and Well Being. No comments.
Can diet help to manage symptoms of PCOS? In PCOS awareness month, Michaela Carrick, BSc Human Nutrition, tells us how.
Posted on Aug 7, 07:39 AM in Health and Well Being and Women's Health. No comments.
In an exciting study just published, (the WAVS study), researchers investigated if a low-fat plant-based diet with soybeans could affect the frequency and severity of hot flashes in menopausal women. Michaela Carrick, BSc Human Nutrition, has more on this, here:
Posted on Sep 26, 09:13 AM in Health and Well Being and Women's Health. No comments.
Posted on Feb 11, 03:39 PM in Health and Well Being and Women's Health. Comments [2].
It’s funny how things come around. Years ago, when I first became a Nutritionist/Dietitian, (goodness, it was over 20 years ago!), we used to say that the whole lemon in water idea was nonsense. Over the years, however, we have been able to get an idea of just how good a glass of lemon water can be. A glass of water with a squeeze of lemon in it can:
Posted on Sep 29, 10:31 AM in Health and Well Being and Women's Health. No comments.
Following my blog on the Non Diet Approach, I did promise to write a little blog about each of main features of this approach to weight concerns and to building a healthy relationship with food.
This week, I’ve been concentrating on Intuitive Eating.
Becoming an Intuitive Eater
Do you have any nutrition questions? I'm always interested in hearing them, and I'll do my best to answer.
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