Feel like a healthy burger? It’s Friday so I thought I’d post a quick and easy salmon burger. Salmon is loaded with protein and with omega 3 fats, great for protecting against cardiovascular disease, for joint protection and also for improving mood and cognition. So why not have a “feel good” Friday..
Recipes (Main Course)
Friday salmon burgers - a healthy burger alternative
Posted on May 11, 07:26 PM in Main Course. Comments [2].
Chicken with Red Wine and Grapes- and its Low Carb!
Posted on Apr 4, 12:05 PM in Main Course. No comments.
Ive been getting a few requests for interesting low carbohydrate recipes for those who are watching their weight or trying to control blood sugar levels. There is nothing wrong with reducing the amount of carbohydrate that we eat, (and goodness knows lots of people are guilty of loading their plates up with too many), as long as there are some good low GI sources taken in the day. Its all about balance.
I like this recipe and it has about 7.5g carbohydrate and 440 Kcals per serve. Should only take 30 minutes to cook.
Prawn Linguine
Posted on Mar 27, 02:43 PM in Main Course. No comments.
Sometimes the best meals are the ones you put together at the last minute, with the ingredients you have in storage. I always have a packet of frozen prawns in the freezer, just in case. This is pretty much my “emergency” dinner that I can whip up in a hurry when needed. Prawns are a family favourite. They are low in fat and calories as well. This shouldnt take more than 20-30 minutes to cook and serves 4.
Turkey hash with potato and beetroot
Posted on Mar 3, 07:23 PM in Main Course and Brunch. Comments [1].
My husband has one dish- “corned beef hash”. It’s always nice to have someone else cook for you, especially after a long day at work, but I have to say I’m not overly fond of the old fatty and extremely salty corned beef. I’m glad to say, I’ve just found a great alternative – turkey hash. Lets see if ge will give it a go. If he doesn’t, I sure will.
Roasted Chicken with thyme, red onions and butternut squash
Posted on Dec 5, 11:24 AM in Main Course. No comments.
One of the things Ive never been able to get quite right is the perfect roast chicken. This is a cheat’s roast chicken, using chicken pieces that works every time and comes out looking fabulous and tasting great. You can reduce the fat content by making sure you choose skinless chicken pieces (or ask your butcher). A lovely meal for the evening or as a sunday lunch.
Mediterranean Potato Salad
Posted on Nov 7, 12:29 PM in Salads and Main Course. Comments [2].
Too cold for salad? Never! Here is a lovely warm salad to have on cold winter days.
This salad has lots of warm and welcoming mediterranean ingredients to help your forget the frost outside. Peppers, or capsicum where I am from, are a rich source of vitamins A and C. Feta cheese is a good source of Protein, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12, Calcium and Phosphorus. It can be a little high in sodium so if you are watching your salt, you could substitute chickpeas
Greek style lamb, potato and rosemary kleftiko (in the slow cooker)
Posted on Oct 11, 10:11 PM in Main Course. Comments [3].
There is talk of cold weather on its way. Frost will be setting in over the next few weeks. Its a great opportunity to use the slow cooker and plan ahead to make sure you aren’t going for “quick and unhealthy” convenience meals when you get in from a long day. It’s the very end of the lamb season, which means you can get some nice strongly flavoured lamb, just suited to this recipe.
Some people are afraid to use lamb as it appears to be quite a fatty meat. These days you can get some good lean cuts of lamb but you will find that a large proportion of the fat in lamb is unsaturated, which is good for you. Lamb is also high in iron and zinc so don’t be afraid to have it now and again.
White Bean and Tomato Cassoulet- in the slow cooker
Posted on Sep 24, 09:53 PM in Main Course and Vegetarian. Comments [3].
Someone asked for some good vegetarian slow cooker recipes today and I found this little beauty. A cassoulet, originating in the south of France, is a slow cooked bean stew. This recipe suits a slow cooker well.
Slow cookers are an absolute necessity for the busy cook who wants to make sure his or her family eats well. Having a meal which can be quickly prepared in the morning, is cooking all day and is ready when you get in tired from work takes away the temptation to grab a quick take-away or bung “something and chips” in the oven. They are great for using up leftover vegetables too, as you can put just about anything in to make a stew or casserole.
Salmon and Pea Fish Cakes
Posted on Sep 23, 03:29 PM in Main Course. No comments.
It’s Friday and you are after a quick and easy fish supper? Why not try these salmon and pea fish cakes. We all know that salmon is a brilliant source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids but did you know peas are also a great source of nutrients? They are rich in phytonutrients, folic acid, vitamin c, vitamin k and thiamin- just to name a few!
This recipe should only take you about 20 minutes, and counts as one of your five a day.
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