Content tagged "Omega-3-Fats"

Avoid these “brain drainers” during exam time

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Mar 21, 11:55 AM in and . No comments.

Revision week can be a stressful time and it may be tempting, if you are this way inclined, to treat your teen to sugary snacks, rewards of takeaways and “at the desk” quick meals.

This is not doing your student any favours.

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Foods to avoid and foods to feed your teen's brain for best success at exam time

How many eggs is it safe to eat?

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Feb 8, 01:45 PM in and . No comments.

When they coined the phrase, “good things come in small packages”, they definitely must have been thinking about eggs. When it comes to nutritional value, eggs are action-packed with good quality protein, vitamins, minerals and healthy omega -3 fats. Despite this, the health benefits and risks of eating eggs have been debated for many years. The elephant in the room has always been that a single large egg contains around 187mg of cholesterol.

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