Content tagged "bingeing"

Why moderation isn’t as boring as it sounds.

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Jan 21, 01:21 PM in and . Comments [1].

Sometimes being a Dietitian just isn’t “sexy”. No, seriously! We can sound like old stick in the muds, trotting out the old “everything in moderation” line when others in the wide and varied world that is nutrition; may be encouraging that “new” lifestyle diet, (you know what I’m sayin’ – ala the newest super food, paleo, raw, sugar free, “clean”). These new super shiny “lifestyles” can sound like just the thing……
“From now, I’ll only eat “clean” and never let the poison that is- (insert latest “bad” food group here)- touch my lips. My body is a temple “.……..sounds good, doesn’t it?

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Food Memories - a lasting impact

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Sep 21, 02:04 PM in and . No comments.

I was looking at some nutrition papers for any new information to share and found a study on pistachios. The study was interesting but to be honest, I was a little less interested in the study than I was in thinking about my strong food memories of pistachios when I was first introduced to them as a child. I think I must have been around ten and my parents brought a large bag of the lovely little green and purple tinged delights back from a trip to Canada. At this stage, none of us had ever heard of them and they were new, exciting and delicious. I have never forgotten that and still think of that first time whenever I start cracking open those little shells.

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