Are you off out to dinner tonight? Special occasion? Don’t panic, that special meal out shouldn’t mean the end of your healthy eating plan.
Special occasions and celebrations often revolve around eating out. It is important that these are still enjoyable, even though you are trying to eat more healthily. Here are some tips to keep you on the straight and narrow…..
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Eating out? Lunch on the run, bought at the work canteen or grabbed from the vending machine? How often do you eat “out of the home”?
In the last decade, we have been eating out of the home more and more. The traditional home cooked meal at the dining table is in danger of becoming a thing of the past. Eating “out of the home” is something that is on the rise in all ages groups with adolescents being the ones to do so the most.
Many factors have resulted in our eating out more often. These include increased choice and availability of food and food establishments, reduced cooking skills, altered working hours and practices as well as the increase in numbers of working mothers.
But is eating out of the home so bad? It’s nice to have the wonderful choice of foods available to us and especially nice to have the treat of eating out on occasion.
Unfortunately, for many people these days, it isn’t just on occasion.
And it can be a problem.
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