This month (August), I have been in print and on the radio, commenting on similar themes. It was exciting to be asked to speak on the radio and it was a great experience.
Here’s what Ive been commenting on this month.
Posted on Aug 12, 03:52 PM in General. No comments.
This month (August), I have been in print and on the radio, commenting on similar themes. It was exciting to be asked to speak on the radio and it was a great experience.
Here’s what Ive been commenting on this month.
Posted on Jun 14, 05:39 PM in General and Weight Concerns. No comments.
As part of my role as a British Dietetic Association spokesperson, I have been able to give a few quotes and comments to the media about food, nutrition and healthy eating. Today I am quoted in the Daily Mail.
Here is the article, a new “star sign” diet:
Posted on Jan 23, 02:01 PM in General. No comments.
There are so many nutrition stories in the papers these days. People are interested and this is, of course, great. It can be a little tricky. There is so much and from various sources and a lot of the stories can be conflicting. It’s so confusing for people when the latest miracle food can prevent cancer one day and cause it the next. I can recall so many times when clients have come to my clinics to see me, holding the latest paper with the newest diet or the most recent nutrition claim. I learnt very quickly that I had to keep up with the papers (and the studies around the stories), so I can answer my clients’ questions on whatever the newest craze or claim is. Even glancing through the papers today, I can see at least six nutrition stories in print or online.
The articles look convincing but can we really trust what we read in the papers every time?
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