Keep calm and drink tea?

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Jan 13, 11:22 AM in and . Comments [1].

In my office, as colleague has written “Keep calm and drink Tea” on our whiteboard in big red letters. Since being in the UK, I have discovered that it isn’t a myth; people here drink a lot of tea!

In the workplace, there are frequent tea breaks but is the saying true? Does it help at work?

An Australian study (why didn’t the British do this?) has just examined the relationship between tea and other drinks and work performance and mood in workers in high demand work places. Over ten days, ninety five professional and academic staff logged their drink consumption and reported on work performance, fatigue, mindfulness, work engagement and mood.

It seems its true, tea is great for workers – to an extent.

Tea consumption was associated with increased perceived work performance and reduced tiredness (especially with tea with no milk or sugar). As far a keeping calm, however, consumption of decaffeinated drinks was associated more with increased relaxation and recovery from work. Caffeinated drinks were found to be detrimental to evening recovery and morning mindfulness.

The researchers concluded that beverage intake may have a role in optimising work-related psychological states and performance.

As far as keeping calm, it may be time to reach for the decaf.


Appetite Volume 58, Issue 1 , February 2012, 339-346 Relationships between tea and other beverage consumption to work performance and mood Janet Bryan, Michelle Tuckey

Tags: Decaffienated Tea, Performance, Tea, Workplace Stress

About the author

Anne Myers-Wright

Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Anne is a Health Professions Council (HPC) registered dietitian (RD), an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD- Australia), a fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), a member of the British Dietetic Association, The Nutrition Society and of The Dietetics Association of Australia.


  1. I think the British have done a survey, only it’s not finished yet (due to tea breaks!) An interesting finding with the no milk or sugar aiding evening recovery. I wonder whether artificial sweeteners have a detrimental effect too?

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