Welcome to AM Dietetics. A nutrition blog by Anne Wright, dietitian/nutritionist.
Simnel Cake : an Easter Treat
Posted on Mar 18, 11:38 AM in Seasonal and Cakes and Biscuits. No comments.

I love to discover new traditional foods. Simnel Cake is a new one to me. It’s a traditional British Easter cake, to celebrate the end of Lent and has been eaten since medieval times. Im obviously a bit slow catching up with this one! I found a lovely recipe to try. Sure, its a cake but a little bit of treat as a celebration now and then is fine. After all, food isnt just about health, its about family, tradition and celebration as well. This recipe serves 12. Happy Easter.
Mastering Meal Prepping: Your Key to a Stress-Free Week Ahead
Posted on Mar 17, 10:48 AM No comments.

Are you tired of the midweek mealtime panic or the temptation to resort to unhealthy takeaway options? Meal prepping could be your ultimate solution! In the whirlwind of daily life, setting aside some time to plan and prepare your meals for the week can be a game-changer, offering you not just convenience but also healthier and more budget-friendly eating habits. Here’s how to dive into meal prepping like a pro..
The Vital Role of Water: Understanding the Importance of Hydration
Posted on Mar 15, 01:29 PM in General. No comments.

Water is essential for our health. It regulates body temperature and supports cellular functions. In this article, we’ll look at the critical role of water and hydration, highlighting why maintaining proper hydration levels is essential for optimal health.
Working to Reduce Frailty
Posted on Jan 18, 01:16 PM No comments.

As mentioned in my blog about what I have been doing this week, I will be working on tools and resources around frailty in older people who have been discharged from hospital, into the community. We talk a lot about malnutrition but we often don’t talk about frailty.
Frailty is (usually) an age related condition which reflects a state of increased vulnerability to adverse health outcomes.
What I do - weekly round-up
Posted on Jan 14, 06:13 AM No comments.

The best way to show what a dietitian does all day is to give you a round-up of my working week!
This week, I have been asked to be involved in a number of projects. And they couldnt be any more different from each-other.
Questions about nutrition?
Do you have any nutrition questions? I'm always interested in hearing them, and I'll do my best to answer.