Weight Concerns

"Just bring me my meals". Does this work? Maybe, with the addition of one little thing...your Dietitian

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Jul 2, 06:15 PM in and . No comments.

Trying to lose weight and changing dietary and exercise habits can be difficult, especially when you are doing it alone. Sometimes we “know” what we need to do to make changes but it’s just having the right support and motivation at the right time that makes the difference.

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard someone say to me “I know all this, it’s just doing it that’s hard, if only I could just have someone bring me all my meals” or “do you do meals as well, can’t you just come over and cook all my meals?”

There are a few companies around that do calorie controlled meals and deliver to the door, and some do help people in getting the results they need but as the most efficient method of weight loss, the “just bring me my meals all done” method isn’t necessarily the best.

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Northwest Nutrition/AM Dietetics in the Media

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Jun 14, 05:39 PM in and . No comments.

As part of my role as a British Dietetic Association spokesperson, I have been able to give a few quotes and comments to the media about food, nutrition and healthy eating. Today I am quoted in the Daily Mail.

Here is the article, a new “star sign” diet:

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Strawberries - super fruit

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Jun 6, 09:25 AM in and . No comments.

You’ve probably gathered from the picture emblazoned across this website that I like strawberries. I love strawberries and they are at their best here where I am. The wonderful thing about strawberries is that they don’t just taste good, they are now also being called a “super food” because they are just so good for you too! Here are just a few of the benefits of the strawberry.

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Could you improve your memory by including more dairy?

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Apr 2, 02:04 PM in and . No comments.

I was really interested to read a study, published last month, which looked at the effects of dairy foods on cognitive performance. At the moment, there is lots of exciting research looking at diet and cognitive performance, cognitive decline and dementia. A lot of this looks at B vitamins, folate, omega 3 fats and fruit/vegetable intake but this latest one looks at the effects of a high intake of reduced fat dairy food on cognitive performance, particularly in overweight subjects.

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What can I snack on when on a weight loss diet?

by Anne Myers-Wright RD/APD

Posted on Feb 15, 06:00 PM in and . Comments [1].

Snacks. Are they best avoided or do they help when trying to lose weight?
Some people find snacking useful as they can help take the edge off the appetite between meals, thus preventing overeating at meal times. Others find they are best off avoiding all together as the calories just add up when its difficult to control portions. Whichever way is the best for you is the best method to follow as, ultimately, its the total number of calories consumed in the day that counts.

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