If you are trying to add some soy into your diet, or just want to try something new, Michaela Carrick-BSc Human Nutrition has this amazing recipe for you.
Posted on Aug 22, 07:47 AM in Desserts and Health and Well Being. No comments.
If you are trying to add some soy into your diet, or just want to try something new, Michaela Carrick-BSc Human Nutrition has this amazing recipe for you.
Posted on Aug 18, 10:09 AM in General and Health and Well Being. No comments.
Do you find it difficult to eat your greens? Laura Reilly, MSc Food, Nutrition & Health, has some great ideas for increasing your vegetable intake. Here are her 5 top tips.
Posted on Aug 7, 07:39 AM in Health and Well Being and Women's Health. No comments.
In an exciting study just published, (the WAVS study), researchers investigated if a low-fat plant-based diet with soybeans could affect the frequency and severity of hot flashes in menopausal women. Michaela Carrick, BSc Human Nutrition, has more on this, here:
Posted on Aug 2, 04:20 PM in Health and Well Being and Salads. No comments.
Salads are a versatile and time-efficient meal to prepare. A salad consisting of protein, a variety of plant foods, grains and healthy fats is a smart meal choice for your overall health. They are a fantastic way of packing in micronutrients and fibre. Here we show you how to build a healthy salad.
Posted on Jul 16, 09:00 AM in Health and Well Being. No comments.
Sarah* had come to see us at AM Dietetics after being diagnosed with IBS-D (diarrhoea dominant IBS). Her symptoms included bloating, wind, gut pain, cramping, diarrhoea, and frequent trips to the toilet. Sarah was hoping to go on the Low FODMAP Diet, in order to reduce her symptoms. See what results she got here.
Do you have any nutrition questions? I'm always interested in hearing them, and I'll do my best to answer.
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