Looking for a quick, easy and healthy meal? This one is easy and can use frozen vegetables, if you have them. You don’t need to worry about your frozen vegetables. These days, they are pretty good quality and the nutritional content is fine too. In fact, frozen vegetables often have a higher vitamin and mineral content than fresh dues to the fact they are snap frozen soon after harvesting.
Main Course
Vegetable Fried Rice
Posted on Jan 4, 02:44 PM in Main Course and Vegetarian. No comments.
Red Lentil Kedgeree (with a twist)
Posted on Dec 1, 12:44 PM in Vegetarian and Main Course. Comments [2].
Here in the AM Dietetics household, we are trying to include more plant based meals on the weekly menu. I really like this kedgeree recipe, which includes lentils. It’s great for any meal of the day but I especially like it as a lunch meal, (I’m not a big fan of sandwiches).
Mexican Bean Soup
Posted on Oct 21, 03:36 PM in Soups and Main Course. No comments.
Dinner tonight? By my son’s request, I am making mexican bean soup. It’s super easy.
Homemade : Pasta Sauce!
Posted on Jan 27, 06:15 PM in Main Course and Vegetarian. No comments.
I haven’t forgotten my home made series !
Most families these days do seem to have a pasta night. Pasta meals go down well in my house. I like making pasta dishes for a few reasons – its quick and easy, relatively easy on the purse, most of the family seem to like it and I can pop lots of vegetables into pasta dishes.
Most people can master their own version of the bolognaise but it’s such a shame to see people reach for the trusty old bottled sauce. Home-made? Well you could argue that a meal made with a bottled sauce isn’t.
Quinoa Tabbouleh
Posted on Jan 9, 12:10 PM in Main Course and Salads. No comments.
Having just found out that the UN has declared 2013 the International year of Quinoa, I thought it would be a good idea to share a recipe using Quinoa. I’ve tried using Quinoa a few times but must admit, I need to try to use it more.
So what’s so good about it?
Questions about nutrition?
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